Saturday, November 27, 2010

There is NO SENSE on the internet

Welcome back
Dear readers, this blog's main idea was to bring out the sense from the internet, but after diving into the WWW today,I came out empty handed,there was nothing worth your time my dear readers... I thaught over this and  after pulling out a few hairs,finger kicking few buttons on  a white piece of shit in front of my screen and shaking the the mouse. I conclude that:
Internet is nothing but nonsense!
So it can no more be on this blog's agenda. So soon we will be moving to something better, something f*****g better.
                                    Keep your fingers :

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Awkward School Pictures

Welcome back,
After going through a lot of b*****it of the internet I found something worth a 'second-look'... or  few looks atleast.This site gets some coolest and craziest high school pictures.I was really surprised by the huge collection. Here is what their about them says:
"Awkward School Pictures is a web portal dedicated to individuals that enjoy seeking ‘the awkwardness’ in their personal school pictures, and of others. If you’re currently a student, or school is something of the past, we invite you to submit your most awkward school moments for everyone to enjoy and relate to on the website.
Lets face it, we’ve all had our awkward moments, rather than hide them, we encourage you to share your most awkward school pictures; we think you’ll be pleasantly surprised that you’re not alone! Awkward School Pictures is a place to embrace and expose the awkwardness of your school years in an entertaining and positive way"
Here is one picture from their cool collection:

You'll like it!

Monday, November 22, 2010

Welcome to Sense In NonSense

Hi readers,
 We gladly welcome you with red carpet and open arms to  'Sense In Nonsense'  blog.      This is a little 'out of the box' kind of blog, where you will be presented with what makes sense  from the nonsense of the internet.
Yes! You may not like the nonsense form the internet but that nonsense... was there,is there and will be there for a long time. Here at sense in nonsense, we extract the sense out of nonsense and bring it to our readers!
Look around and enjoy your stay here,as stuff keeps coming and say bye bye to nonsense..